Category: Syllabus

  • JKP Constable Syllabus 2024: Check Exam Pattern and PDF Download

    JKP Constable Syllabus 2024: Check Exam Pattern and PDF Download

    The Jammu Kashmir Police Recruitment Board is scheduled to hold recruitment drives in 2024 for several police department posts, including key positions such as constable in various Departments. Soon, announcements regarding these posts may be made. There will be over 4,002 positions filled by this recruitment. Good news for those seeking to be recruited by the Jammu Police: the agency will shortly begin accepting online applications Dated on 30-07-2024 to 29-8-2024. Thus, we have provided the updated Jammu Kashmir Police Syllabus 2024 for your convenience.

    JK Police Constable Syllabus 2024: Check Exam Pattern and PDF Download

    JK Police Constable Exam Schedule for 2024

    There will be one mark assigned to each of the 100 questions in the JK Police Constable posts exam. The JK Police Constable test carries a total score of 100. The candidates will have two hours to answer the 100 questions related to the positions of Constable.

    There are 25 questions totaling 25 marks in the general awareness/general knowledge category.
    There are 25 questions in aptitude and math, each worth 25 marks.
    English: There are 25 questions total, worth 25 marks.
    Reasoning: There are 25 questions total, worth 25 marks. 

    JK Police Constable CBT Exam Syllabus 2024
    The written test syllabus for the Constable posts is provided below, broken down by topic. Learn the subjects covered in the CBT exam.

    General Awareness with special reference to JK UT 25 Marks

    (i) Current Events of National and International importance

    (ii) Political & Physical divisions of India

    (iii) Indian Culture, Heritage and Freedom Struggle/Movement.

    (iv) Demography- Census, its feature and functions.

    (v) Important Rivers & Lakes in India.

    (vi) Weather, Climate, Crops, Means of Transport of India.

    (vii) J&K UT

    a) History

    b) Economy

    c) Geography- (Weather, Climate, Crops, Rivers, Lakes, Flora, Fauna etc.)

    d) Heritage & Culture

    e) Important Tourist Destinations

    Numerical Ability 25 Marks 

    Basic Arithmetic:

    (i) Number System

    (ii) Percentage

    (iii) Average 

    (iv) Profit & Loss


    (v) Ratio & Proportion 

    (vi) Time & Work

    Reasoning:   25 Marks

    (i) Number series

    (ii) Letter series

    (iii) Coding decoding

    (iv) Direction sense

    (v) Blood relations

    (vi) Mathematical reasoning

    (vii) Speed, Distance and Time

    (viii) Statements and conclusions.

    General English 25 Marks

    (i) Comprehension

    (ii) Editing / Proof Reading.

    (iii) Rearranging of jumbled sentences

    (iv) Narration

    (v) Modals

    (vi) Articles

    (vii) Paragraph writing with blanks to be filled in with the following

    i. Phrases

    ii. Pronouns

    iii. Homonyms/Homophones etc.

    (viii) Clauses

    (ix) Punctuation

    (x) Synonyms and antonyms

    (xi) Idioms and phrases.

    (xii) Uses of Prepositions

    (xiii) Active & Passive Voice

    JK Police Constable PST/PET Exam

    Prior to the final selection, the Physical Standard Test (PST) and the Physical Measurement Test (PMT) will be carried out.

    Standard Test in Physical Form:

    – Male: Minimum height: 5.6 feet; expanded chest: 33.5 cm

    For women, a minimum height of 5.2 feet
    Ladakh and Gorkha Physical Standard Test:

    Male: Minimum height of 5.4 feet; expanded chest measurement of 33.5 cm

    For women, a minimum height of 5.0 feet

    Physical Endurance Assessment:

    – Male: 20 push-ups and 1600 meters in six minutes

    – Female: 141.5-foot shot put; 1000-meter run in six minutes

    JK Police’s official website

    Go to

  • JKSSB Female Supervisor Syllabus Social Welfare Department 2024 : Download PDF

    JKSSB Syllabus for the post of Supervisor, Social Welfare Department.

    JKSSB Female Supervisor Syllabus Social Welfare Department 2024 : Download PDF

    In continuation of Advertisement Notification No. 02 of 202308.12.2023, the syllabus for the post of Supervisor, Social weIfare Department, is notified as given in Annexure “A” to this for the information of candidates.

    Total Marks 120


    i. Current Events of National and International Importance 

    ii. Political & Physical divisions of India 

    iii. Climate & Crops in India 

    iv. Transport & Communication 

    v. Demography & Vital Statistics 

    vi. Important Rivers & Lakes in India. 

    vii. Indian Economy 

    viii. Indian Culture & Heritage 

    ix. Indian History with special reference to Freedom Movement. 

    x. Science & Technology 

    xi. Environment, Ecology & Bio-diversity.

    xvi. J&K UT 

    a) History 

    b) Economy 

    c) Geography (Weather, Climate, Crops, Rivers, Lakes, Flora, Fauna etc) 

    d) Heritage & Culture 

    e) Important Tourist Destinations 

    f) J&K Reorganisation Act, 2019.


    i. Tenses 

    ii. Narration 

    iii. Modals 

    iv. Articles 

    v. Reading Comprehension 

    vi. Fill in the blanks with Phrases, Pronouns, homonyms/ homophones etc. 

    vii. Clauses 

    viii. Synonyms and antonyms 

    ix. Pairs of words and their use in meaningful sentences. 

    x. Rearranging of jumbled sentences 

    xi. Idioms and phrases. 

    xii. Uses of Prepositions 

    xiii. Active & Passive Voice

    General intelligence & Reasoning a. Basic Arithmetic: 

    i. Number System. 

    ii. Percentage. 

    iii. Average. 

    iv. Profit & Loss. Ratio & Proportion. 

    V. vi. Time & Work. iii. iv. 

    b. Reasoning: 

    i. Number series. 

    ii. Letter series. 

    iii. Blood relations. 

    iv.  Direction sense. 

    v. Coding decoding

    vi. Mathematical reasoning. 

    vii. Speed, Distance and Time. 

    viii. Statements and conclusions.

    General Science 10 Marks 

    (i) Newtons Laws of Motion, Mass, Weight, Acceleration, Velocity, Speed etc

    (ii) Electric Current, Power, Energy, Voltage.

    (iii) Chemical Equation, types. 

    iv) Metals, Non-metals- Physical & Chemical properties. 

    (v) Various sources of energy; Conventional sources of energy; Biomass an wind energy. Non-conventional sources of energy (Solar energy, tidal energy). 

    (vi) Nutrition and its types, Respiration, Transportation of water, food and minerals in plants. 

    vii) Communicable & Non-Communicable Diseases 

    (vii) Vitamins- Diseases related to vitamin deficiency. ix) ECosystem – Its components, Food chains and Food webs. 

    (X)Environmental pollution. Ozone layer, its depletion, Green House Effect.

    Knowledge of Computers 10 Marks

    (i) Basic Applications of Computer and its component. 

    (ii) Fundamentals of computer sciences.

    (iii) Concept of Open Source Technologies.

    (iv) Input & output Devices.

    (i) Operating system

    (ii) Knowledge of MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access, MS Powerpoint, PDF Internet and E-mail.

    (iii) Concept of Computer Virus and Anti-Virus.

    (iv) Hardware & Software, Elements of Computers Processing System Hardware, CPU, Peripherals, Storage Media, Software Definition, Role and Categories Firmware and Human-ware.

    (V)Role of Information Technology in Governance.

    6. Specialization:

    60 Marks

    UNIT-1.                                        Marks: 10

    i. Society, Community, Association

    ii. Social Stratification: Caste, Class and Social Stratification in India 

    iii. Social Institutions: Norms, Values, Folkways and Mores 

    iv. Marriage, Kinship and family. 

    V. Social Change: Industrialization, Globalization, Modernization.


    i. Gender inequalities and issues

    ii.Gender law & Human rights. 

    iii Stages and theories of Human development (Freud, Erikson). 

    iv. Socialization and its theories. 

    V. Anxiety disorders: Phobia, OCD, GAD, Panic disorder, PTSD.

    UNIT-3.                                   Marks: 10

    i. Human Rights: Concept and Evolution 

    ii. Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    iii. Understanding sex, Gender, Sexual division of labour. 

    iv. Women rights/ Child rights Social evils- Child abuse, Child labour, Female feticide, infanticide and Drug Addiction

    UNIT-4.                                    Marks: 10

    i. Poverty and unemployment 

    ii. Population explosion, Global warming and Climate Change 

    iii. Indicators of social development 

    iv. Trafficking, Beggary, Corruption.

    UNIT-5.                                     Marks: 10

    i. Growth and development 

    ii. Food, Nutrition, Health and fitness 

    iii. Physiology and promoting health Food 

    iv. science and processing 

    V. Chemical analysis of food  

    vi. Food and personal hygiene

    UNIT-6.                                       Marks: 10

    (i) Government and Non Government Programmes- Medical health care, Adoption, Foster care, Institutional care, children act and children rights

    (ii) Health and Family Welfare Programmes

    (iii) Early childhood care and Education 

    (iv) Old age and Disability Schemes

    (v) Poshan Abhiyan, Poshan tracker, Poshan vatikas, Supplementary Nutrition

    (vi)  Programme Anganwadi Services, Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY), 

    (vii) Scheme for Adolescent Girls (SAG), Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY), National Health Mission (NHM)

  • JKSSB Forester and Social Forestry Worker Syllabus 2023 PDF Download

     JKSSB Syllabus for the posts of Forester and Social Forestry Worker PDF Download Here 

    JKSSB Forester and Social Forestry Worker Syllabus 2023 PDF Download

    The J&K Services Selection Board has Forester advertised Division Cadre posts of (Forest, Ecology & Environment Department) vide Advertisement Notification No. 04 of 2022 and Social Forestry Worker (Forest, Ecology & 04 Environment Department) vide Advertisement Notification No. 03 of 2021 & details of 2022. Accordingly, the syllabus for the said posts is notified as per the qiven in Annexure “A” and “B” to this notice. 


    This notice is for the purpose of intimation to the concerned candidates.

    Syllabus for written test (Objective Type) for the post of Forester 
    The exam shall aim to evaluate the candidates for their scientific, analytical and numerical aptitude, and their general awareness over a broad range of subjects. 
    Medium of examination shall be English.
    Marks: – 120 Time: 2:00 Hours.
    Section A: –Basic science question papers will be of the objective type. This paper 
    aims to test the aptitude of candidates in basic science. The level of question papers 
    shall be 12th standards having equal weightage to all three subjects Physics, 
    Chemistry & Biology. 
                                                                                                                            (32 Marks) 
    Section B: – Basic numerical ability, data interpretation, profit & loss, compounding, 
    discounting, mensuration, geometry including coordinate geometry, trigonometry, 
    and fundamentals of statistics including probability.                                    
                                                                                                                               (32 Marks)
    Section C: – General Knowledge shall include knowledge of current events and 
    matters of everyday observation and experience. The paper will also include 
    questions on History and Geography, Indian Polity, Constitution of India, and general 
    issues related to forests, wildlife, environment, biodiversity, and climate change.                                            
                                                                                                                                 (24 Marks) 
    Section D: –Logical reasoning and analytical ability.                                                                                                                                                                                                              
                                                                                                                                  (16 Marks)
    Section E: – Decision making and problem solving.                                         
                                                                                                                                   (16 Marks)


    Syllabus for written test (Objective Type) for the post of Social Forestry Worker.

     The exam shall aim to evaluate the candidates for their scientific, analytical 
    and numerical aptitude, and their general awareness over a broad range of subjects. 
    Medium of examination shall be English. The level of question papers shall be 10th 
    Marks:-120 Time: 2:00 Hours 
    1) Basic Mathematics    

                                                                                                                                   (32 Marks) 
    Percentage, Average, Time, Work and Distance, Ratio and Proportion, Problem of 
    Age, Probability, LCM,HCF, Mensuration. 

    2) Basic Reasoning                                                                                                (32 Marks) 
    Analogies, Relationship concepts, Figure odd one out, Direct Sense, Figure Series 
    completion, Venn Diagram, Number series, Coding/Decoding. 
    3) Basic English                                                                                                      (32 Marks) 
    Articles, Synonyms, Antonyms, Preposition, Verbs, Reading comprehension, 
    Determiners, Spellings, Sentences. 
    4) General Awareness and Science              
    General current events (National Level), Sports, Indian culture, Indian history, 
    Indian geography, Capital/State, General Science, Health, Hygiene and 
    Sanitation, Geography of Jammu and Kashmir, Culture of Jammu and Kashmir, 
    History of Jammu and Kashmir.