* An Internet is a global connection of computers linked together by cables and telephones and makes the communication possible among them.
* For such communication, the address of the destination and a safe means of moving data are required.
* The rules governing the sending and receiving of data on the Internet are implemented in two parts and Transmission Control Protocol ( TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP).
Transmission Control Protocol divides the data into little data packets.
* The rule of Internt Protocol here is to put destination addressing information on such packets.
* Hosts are in general, individual machines at a particular locations.
* Domains are general category that a computer on the internet belongs to.
* E-mail is mainly used for sending electronic piece of text.
* use net anad news groups are set up by people sharing common interests ranging from current topics to cultural heritages.
* Telnet is a program that allows an Internet host computer to become terminals of another host on the Internet.
* Gopher displays a set of resources on the Internet in the form of menus or lists of items.
* Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a language to create documents for world wide web.
* Standard Generalised Markup Language (SGML) is used to define the structure and manage the content of a digital documents.
* World Wide Web (WWW) is a gaint collection of hypertext pages on the Internet.
* Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is used to manage all the linkings between one hypertext document and another.
* On the Internet, a home page may be related to a single person a specific subject, or to a corporation.
* Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a way to avail to Internet resources.
* Browser is an application program which is used for exploring Internet resources.
* File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is used to access a remote Internet host.
* Modem is a device allowing a computer to transmit information over a telephone line. It acts as a modulator and demodulator while the process of transmitting and receiving.
* Wide Area Information Service (WAIS) is a type of service to access text database or libraries on the Internet.