Subject: Result of CBT examination conducted for the posts of Sub-Inspector, Home Department – Shortlisting of candidates thereof.
Whereas, the Jarmmu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) conducted Computer Based Written Test (CBT) for the posts of Sub Inspector, Home Department, UT Cadre, advertised vide Advertisement Notification No. 06 of 2021, under iterm No. 668, from 07-12-2022 to 20-12-2022; and
Whereas, the result/scoresheet for the said examination was notified vide No. JKSSB COEOEXAM(UT)/54/2022-03 (7057013) Dated: 03-11-2023; and
Whereas, as per S.O 214 dated: 1* July, 2021 of the Home Department, the number of candidates to be selected for appearing in the Physical Standard Test (PST) shall be six times the total number of vacancies to be filled up in each category and the candidates who meet the physical standards shall be required to undergo the Physical Endurance Test (PET, as per the standards provided therein.
Accordingly, the candidates who are falling in the consideration zone for theaforementioned posts and who have been shortlisted for appearing in PST/PET are given inAnnexure “A” to this notification.
Further details including the date and venue of PST/PET shall be notified separately.
It is further notified that:
(I) mere calling a candidate for the PST/PET does not confer right upon him/her for selection and that he/she has to fulfill other eligibility conditions, as laid down and decision of the Board in this regard shall be final.
(II) the PST/PET shall be of qualifying nature only.