JKSSB Driving Test Result 2023 Download PDF Here, Check Your By Name Here
Subject: Result of Driving Test for the posts of Driver/Driver Gr.II/Tractor Driver/Driver II – regarding.
Whereas, in pursuance of the Advertisement Notification Nos. 05 of 2021, 02 of 2022, 04 of 2022 and 01 of 2023, the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board conducted driving test for various posts of Driver/Driver Gr.II/Driver II/Tractor Driver, in different Cadres/ Departments, under various Item numbers from 21-08-2023 to 12-10-2023; and
Whereas, the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board vide Notification No. JKSSB-COE0EXAM(UT)/57/2023-03-SSB, dated: 12-08-2023, issued schedule for driving test w.e.f. 21-08-2023 to 09-10-2023, for the above said posts; and
Whereas, the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board vide Notification No. JKSSB-COEOEXAM(UT)/57/2023-03-SSB, dated: 06-10-2023, issued a revised schedule for conduct of driving test on 12-10-2023 at State Motor Garages, Bemina,Srinagar for those candidates who had appeared before the designated Driving Test Committee on the day of their driving test but their driving test could not be conducted on account of pending clarification; and
Now, therefore, in view of the above, the result of driving test based on theperformance of candidates who have qualified the Driving Test for the posts ofDriver/Driver Gr.II/Driver II/Tractor Driver, in different departments/cadres, advertisedvide Notification Nos. 05 of 2021, 02 of 2022, 04 of 2022 and 01 of 2023, under variousItem numbers, conducted from 21-08-2023 to 09-10-2023 and on 12-10-2023, ishereby notified as Annexure “A”.
Further, it is also notified for the information of all the candidates figuring inAnnexure “A”, that Written Test for the said posts shall be conducted in thesecondfortnight of November, 2023 tentatively.
It is further notified that:
(i) mere figuring in thisnotification shall not entitle a candidate to be called for nextstage or figure in the select list and that he has to fulfil other eligibilityconditions, as laid down and decision of the Board in this regard shall be final.
(ii) any candidate desirous of making representation with regard to the resultnotification or clubbing of multiple Application IDs/Notifications( If not alreadyclubbed), may represent before the Board (JKSSB Office, Jammu/Srinagar) by or before 17″October, 2023. Such representations shall be disposed of inaccordance with the extant Rules.
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